Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drop Out?

Most of you know that I've been a super busy student for the last few months, thus the decreased blogging. I am proud to report that I have not yet dropped out of school in spite of the excessive homework. This is probably the most difficult time I've had balancing my family. Work had set hours, so their was no interference with that time.

However, taking courses on line and taking care of my family have been quite challenging roles. For one, my littlest munchkin likes to press the power button as I'm pressing send on the screen. She is also fond of sitting on the keyboard while I'm typing papers. If that doesn't work, she just closes the laptop on my hands. Hmmm...

At times, I wonder if I am doing the right thing. "God, is this really what you want me to be doing at this stage of my life?" Then I realize that children have to learn that every hour of every day can not be dedicated to their every whim. There is nothing in the mommy handbook that says it should be. As long as I am taking care of their needs, and maybe a few wants, I have to let myself off the hook.

I am learning to invest in myself a little. I am working on not feeling guilty about it. I have learned that it is alright not to have a perfectly tidy home if it means I get to play with the kids when my homework is through. And so, for now, I will press toward the mark and persevere. Now if I can just decide what I want to be when I grow up...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weaker and Wiser

My mom always says that each generation is weaker but wiser. Lately I've been wondering what that really means. I'm starting to think it means more knowledgeable but much more stupid.

There is so much technology that teens can find out anything on the phone in the palm of their hands. Texting has replaced talking. But in this Google age, are the teens in your life smarter or worse for the wear?

I love technology, so please don't think I'm bashing technology. I just think many teens are too smart (literally), for their own good. Parents can't keep up, and many don't bother trying. In the mean time we are losing a generation of young people to the devil's many snares.

They are losing their virginity at alarming rates. The generations before are successfully teaching our young women to set their standards low and keep them there. They have heard the message loud and clear. It's time for us to do better.

We are to be an example. We need to stop settling, and stop lying to ourselves and anyone else who is fool enough to listen. We need to be real friends to each other and lovingly call our girls out when we see them slipping in patterns of stupidity. You've been challenged, and called out. Now what are you gonna do about it?