Saturday, July 27, 2013

Loving the Unlovable

So lately I've been struggling with loving my coworkers.  If you work in a female dominated environment, you understand the effects of estrogen overload as well as I do.

Between backstabbing and mood swings, I am up to my ears with these chicks!

I told myself that I could just keep it professional.  There is no need for miscellaneous conversations that have nothing to do with the job.  I do not have to smile at pictures of your children or listen to stories about your weekend.  All I have to do is do my job and go home.  Right?

Maybe not.

Is that love?  Probably not.  I don't generally hate to be around those that I love.  I don't generally expect sabotage from those I love.   I am not generally intolerant or dismissive to those I love.  Soooooo, this is is probably not love.

So how do you balance loving your coworkers while protecting yourself at the same time.  Let's face it, work relationships can be dog-eat-dog, so it is necessary to use wisdom.

Step 1.  Grace.  Give them the benefit of the doubt.  Don't be paranoid.
Step 2.  Be kind.  Don't allow others to change you.
Step 3.  Pray.  A lot.
Step 4.  Love.  God told us to, and it's required of us.  We don't deserve it, but He gives it anyway.

When I feel annoyed, I look in the mirror.  I realize that I'm unlovable sometimes, but I still need love.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Love in a Bottle

This morning I woke up to the sad news that another young Hollywood star was found dead in his hotel room after an apparent overdose.  My first thought was, "Another one?"  Then I remembered seeing his smiling, vibrant face on the screen.  I did not see the pain underneath, and it breaks my heart.  I shook my head and sighed as I read the news reports detailing a troubled star with stints in rehab.

Then I thought of those of us who long to emulate any and everything we see in Hollywood.  Celebrities are our role models.   We strive to be "real" housewives and keep up with the Kardashians.

There is little to no focus on the character of the individuals we admire.  We see only their beautiful cars and airbrushed faces and bodies.  We lust after their mega mansions and flashy jewels.  They have it all, so they're happy.  Right?

We seem to miss the EMPTINESS that abounds inside of so many celebrities.

All of us know what it feels like to struggle with emptiness.  It creates an ache inside, a pain so deep that we long for anything to help escape.  That longing compels us to seek solace in any and every form.  Sometimes that place is in a stranger's bed.  At times we look in the bottom of a bottle or in a container of pills.  Yet, peace is not found in those places for more than a few minutes.

True peace begins on the inside.  It is nurtured by the Holy Spirit and rooted in Jesus Christ.

As long as we are in denial of that fact, we will continue to search for elusive peace.  We won't find contentment at the end of a "cause".  We won't find it once we get the ring.  A baby won't do it.   Neither will a bigger house and a shiny car soothe our broken hearts.

Only the Man who loves our souls can heal our hidden places and bring joy.

Joy is better than happiness.
Peace is better than turmoil.
God's love is better than the rest.