Sunday, April 28, 2013


I was reading this morning in Matthew 4.  I honed in on the temptation of Jesus.  Satan had enough gall to tempt the Savior of the world!  The One who created the Cosmos!  The One with the power of life and death in His hands.

So why am I shocked when that same devil tempts me?  A born sinner.  Am imperfect woman who is nothing without her Savior.

Satan tempted Him with food after He'd been fasting for more than a month.

Satan tempted Jesus with food when He was very hungry, just as he tempts us with the things that are most likely to work.  He doesn't typically dangle booze in the face of someone who doesn't drink.   If porn is our thing, expect explicit images to pop up everywhere.  If we struggle with loneliness and a need for love, we can expect unsavory characters to appear from nowhere.

He hits below the belt.  He goes for the jugular.  He wants total annihilation. 

So how do we avoid temptation?
  • AVOID.  When possible, avoid situations that have the potential to be tempting.  
  • PLAN AHEAD.  Decide before how we will conduct ourselves in situations.
  • BE PREPARED.  Don't go ALONE.  Invite Jesus with us.  Pray for His strength.
  • RESIST.  Don't be a slave to our feelings.  If necessary, RUN.
Assume that you will be tempted.  None of us is exempt.  We should be wise in our choices and avoid making temporary decisions today that will permanently affect our tomorrows.

Always look for a way out.  God is faithful to provide one.

If you want to know the God I'm referring to, please contact me directly.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Marriage Nightmare

I intend to update you on my last post as soon as I wrap my head around everything that entails.

In the meantime, I wanted to share an article with you about choosing a spouse.  A couple of my small group friends shared this article, so I decided to check it out.

I'll warn you that you will need more than a few minutes to check it out, however, I think it's well worth it if you are in a relationship or longing for a spouse...

I've been married for almost 13 years, and I can't stress the importance of being wise when marrying enough.  Marriage is a very serious thing.

Here's the link...

Please come back and share your thoughts on it with me.

Here is my disclaimer:  I am new to the site and source of this article, so I am only suggesting this article because I read it myself.  I may not condone every single point, but I do support the sentiment.