Monday, August 18, 2008

My volunteer job

I work outside of our home full time. But the job I should be getting paid for is the one that takes place off the clock. My kids, as cute as they are, sometimes make me want to give them away to gypsies. They are so demanding and loud. They're always fighting and yelling at each other. If you have little ones, you know the drill.

But they are so funny! I was talking to our daughter, and she asked if I'd gotten something for her. I said, "Uh, duh!" So her little brother chimes in and repeats me. It was so cute because he's only two, so many things that he says require translation. This was crystal clear.

Parenting can be so frustrating and challenging. They ask questions that I can't answer. They evoke emotions that seem unnatural. But at the end of the day, you can't imagine life without them.

I guess kids are compensation enough on their own.

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