Monday, June 15, 2009

Dental Farce

Hurry! Brush your teeth! Brush them again! Yes, you do need to floss. Use mouthwash too. Let me see. Ok, looks good.

You know what day it is. It's time for us to get our 6 month cleaning. Can't have the dentist seeing plaque and tartar build-up. I became a drill sergeant while getting them ready for the dentist. I even made myself brush a little longer while being sure to floss in spite of my pregnancy induced super sensitive teeth and gums.

The dental check-ups went well, but I started thinking. I felt like I dodged a bullet since I had no cavities. I started wondering why I don't take the extra time required during pregnancy to avoid problems. Why do I expect positive results without the effort?

The parallels between oral hygiene and the rest of my life were striking. So I'm making an effort to live every day like I'm going to the dentist. Why put on a show just because someone will see what I've been doing? Since God is the Master dentist, he knows how I act each day. He knows my heart and all of my habits. He helps me weed out the cavity causing behavior. I can't fool Him with by brushing more. Why try?

1 comment:

Christina said...

I have such a paranoia about teeth, and brushing and flossing. This is one of my biggest insecurities in my life now. It has gotten so bad, I am now having nightmares about Peggy's teeth rotting in her mouth. I know that this isn't the point of your blog, but it's nice to get off of my chest. I agree about living your life knowing He is aware of your actions. I struggle with that also. I am full of struggles today. I am happy that your appointment went well!!!