Monday, June 22, 2009

Follow Me

For y'all who have been hanging in there with me through this pregnancy, thank you. I mean it. I love you all. I know my writing has been more sporadic. Trust me, my intentions are good. I will still write, but since it's not as regular right now, I would ask each of you to follow this blog on the link provided. Then when I write, you''ll be notified, and you won't be frustrated as much, hopefully.

I look forward to chatting with you more. I enjoy sharing with you and having you allow me into tiny corners of your world. I appreciate the privilege you've given me. Please share with others if you are enjoying my musings. If not, please share with me. Tell me what you'd like to talk about. Express your dislikes and concerns, too. May God bless each of you abundantly according to His riches.

1 comment:

karen said...

God bless you, girl! I have so enjoyed getting a glimpse into you world. I think of and pray for you and your family often. Looking forward to reading more!