Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just For Fun

On Friday night, hubby and I went out with friends to dinner and a show. We sent the children to a babysitter and everything. I have to admit that I was giddy with excitement during the days leading up to it. My anticipation must have been contagious because my daughter's summer camp teacher told me to have fun when I went to pick her up. Apparently she had been talking about it all day.
Although I was tired from working and rushing around, we had a wonderful time at dinner and the show. On top of it, our children also had a wonderful time. So I learned something that evening: FUN IS NOT OPTIONAL. Couple time is necessary for every healthy relationship. I know this is not a revolutionary discovery, but for me it is.
With a full-time job, a husband, two young children and one on the way, I often find myself stretched in too many directions. I'm committed now to spending less time crunching numbers, and more time having fun. Kids need no reminders. Now neither do I.

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