Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead Terrorist Parade

By now we have all gotten the news of Bin Laden's demise. There have been various responses to the news. Shock. Doubt. Elation.

The other day I saw people marching and cheering and chanting with glee over the death of the this creepy terrorist. Though I thought it odd, it never occurred to me that it might be wrong.

That's when I saw a post on Facebook from one of my favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs. She posted Proverbs 24:17. It says: " Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice." Ouch!

Kudos to her for her willingness to take this very unpopular stance. I, for one, appreciated the reminder. Following God's will for us is often unpopular, but He calls us to be set apart.

President Obama has also declined to release the graphic photos of the body and the site. I have heard people asking for them, but he too has taken a stand. He stated, "That's not who we are. We don't trot out this stuff as trophies." I can remember being disturbed by images of Saddam Hussein hanging while crowds jeered, and I am grateful we were spared this time.


karen said...

Let me start by saying I don't think we should rejoice. I had mixed feelings at the news. I don't know how to balance Proverbs 24:17 with Proverbs 21:15 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Jesus died so that none would perish. I asked a friend the question: How was Bin Laden any different than Saul (Paul)? Just things I've been thinking of this week.

Babetta said...

This kind of insight is why I love you, Karen. Yours is such a poignant observation. Thanks for sharing.

Babetta said...

Karen, that's why I love you. Your insight is amazing! Thanks for sharing.