Sunday, September 29, 2013

No Eggs

This morning I am stuck at home carless with the kids.  Of course I was totally unprepared for this, and I need to go grocery shopping.  What does that mean?  You guessed it, we are out of almost everything. What to do for meals...

Ahh, they want pancakes, but I have no eggs.  So, I headed to Google to search for eggless recipes.  They actually have such a thing, and I was pleasantly surprised.  I even made my own syrup to go with them!  Go me!  They both tasted great!

I was initially quite annoyed because I was on my way to the store when my plans got changed unexpectedly.  I behaved badly, and I know it, but everything worked out when I stepped back and got creative.  I've already had a rough week, so this took me to the end of myself.

So what is the point of this?

Sometimes things don't go the way you want them to.  Sometimes you have to make lemonade from life's lemons.  Sometimes you have to step outside of your box and be creative.  And sometimes you'll discover a talent you never knew you had.  Sometimes the Creator allows stuff to happen so we can discover or learn something new and better.


Rach said...

He certainly does, and oh the glory it brings him when we "go with the flow". I feel like I am so old in so many ways, but one thing I am so thankful for especially over the last several years is the increased ability to rest despite my want to work. God paid it all so we could be free from worries and frustrations. Great reminder of how God always comes through, and how we can discover so much about ourselves in everyday things. Go YOU indeed! :D

Unknown said...

Well said, boo.