Thursday, April 9, 2009


I received this from my girl Karen, and I wanted to share it with you. My prayer is that it will speak to your heart.

Do you know that our Father in heaven calls you a "treasure", beautiful daughter of God? Do you know that our Daddy adores you more than the words could possible say? Do you know your value? Do you know really, truly who you are? You are a treasure, daughter of God. You are the rarest kind, and of the greatest value. God calls you not even a gift, but a treasure, because He knows your worth. He loves you so, for you are His treasure. I want to encourage you that if you seem to be in a place of hiddeness, rejoice! For your heart is being hidden in His heart and in that place, as lonely as it can be sometimes, it is one of the most beautiful places to be.

Do not seek to be seen, for in doing so you present your self a gift, when you were created to be found, daughter of God. In this place of hiddeness let your heart become fully His. Make it your ambition to fully "know" the heart of God, and His love will satisfy every ache, every feeling of loneliness and more, for His love satisfies. And I promise you that the day will come when God will present you not as a gift, but unveil you as a treasure to the man who was willing to seek out His heart, and doing so, he will find you. God has the best picked out for you. Do not even settle for the good that may come your way, for although it is good, it is not His best, and it is God's best that is worth waiting for. Although the wait may seem to be long, rest, daughter of God, rest in your Daddy's heart and have peace knowing that your day will come. Yes, rest, beautiful treasure, and you shall be found. Again I remind you, do not seek to be seen, for in doing so you present yourself a gift, when you were created to be found. Do not present your heart to one who is not willing to seek you out, for he does not know your true value and will not love you as the treasure that you are. You are of more value than even a gift, you are God's daughter, a treasure of the greatest value. Ask God to give you the revelation of who you truly are, and do not settle, oh do not settle for even the good, but wait, yes wait for His best.

And know this, daughter of God: You are worth seeking! You are worth finding!
You are worth loving! You were bought at a price to become a daughter of God!
Do not give yourself away to one who does not know your true value! You are a
treasure to be found, so rest, daughter, rest. And as you remain hidden in the heart
of God, I promise you, your dreams will soon come true. I believe this, for the heart of
our Father in heaven is good and He delights in blessing His children. Rest, beloved
daughter, rest in your Daddy's heart and know this: you will always be His treasure.


1 comment:

LB said...

i was having trouble sleeping and i randomly (God decided that) found your blog. i read this post and it was exactly what i needed to hear. not that i haven't heard it before but it reminded me that i am God's princess and if a guy is interested in me he should seek after my heart and want to know me on the inside. i deserve someone who thinks i am worth pursuing. if he doesn't want to take the time to pursue me then he doesn't deserve me. thank you for your words of encouragement.