Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blood Thirsty

During a bout of sleeplessness the other night, I woke up and saw something strange on TV. A man was taking a drink from some other guy's arm. Yes, you heard me right. I had no idea what I was watching. I still don't know what it was. I do know, I found it disturbing. The other thing that caught me off guard was a bizarre ritual some woman was performing. She was apparently a vampire and was summoning some powers from somewhere and causing party goers to dance provocatively and perform other immoral acts.

It's clear I caught the tail end of some vampire series, but as usual, I started thinking. Is there a spiritual aspect of vampires? Are there any ramifications for believers who watch these shows? My questions are based on the uneasy feeling I was left with after just a short time watching. I also wonder about the erotic nature of these beings. I've begun to do research and plan to learn more as time progresses. With the popularity of shows such as True Blood and Twilight, I think this is a topic in need of exploration.


karen said...

Wow. That sounds disturbing. Shine up your armor, girl!

My life as a Home Engineer said...

You know I wonder the same thing in this area. It's something I've been struggling with since accepting Christ. And not just with movies like twilight but what about shows like top model and The Game? So much on tv doesn't honor Christ and it's something that's been really bothering me lately. Some Christians say not to watch any of it leaving us to only watch movie like "fireproof" or other Christian films and some Disney or other "friendly" shows others are telling me it's ok to watch the type shows I've mentioned above. I honestly don't know and haven't picked sides in the matter yet. I know the stuff I mentioned isn't obviously cultic like the vampire thing but would it still be equally bad in God's eyes? I sometimes go through bouts where I watch nothing cause I'm that unsure. I'm told by some that it's a balance problem for me is I struggle knowing what that balance is. I could find somthing that goes against Christ in just about everything on tv if I really wanted to, so should I quit watching it? lol I'm probably way off topic, sorry. Great post! Let me know what you research and find. I've been listening to James Macdonald's podcast and he's doing a series on Holiness focusing on how we as Christians are supposed to be pure and it's pretty convicting so far