Thursday, May 3, 2012

"I'm Not That Spiritual Right Now"

So I'm watching Mary, Mary, contemporary gospel superstars right now.  The younger of the duo just found out she is expecting a fifth child and is feeling very overwhelmed as a result.  She is talking to her husband about her feelings.  He starts telling her that God will help them to handle the children and continue to give them all they need for them.  She turns to him and says, "I'm not that spiritual right now."  She says that she is just her plain old self right now.

Oh how that resonated with me.  While I'm not expecting another child, I can totally relate to being overwhelmed.  I can relate to wanting to just be me without thinking of what God's plan is at the moment.  Sometimes I'm reeling too much to focus on where He is in the middle.  I think it's normal.  We just can't afford to stay there too long.

What do you think?  When have you said or thought, "I'm just not that spiritual right now?"  How long did it take for you to refocus your attention on the Man in charge of it all, the One who gives us peace?

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