Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inexpressible Joy

A couple of weeks ago I was wandering aimlessly at work in search of Chick-Fil-A.  I knew there was one on the campus, but I didn't know exactly how to get there.  As a new employee on a huge campus, I have spent a lot of time lost and at the mercy of others.  If you know me at all, you will know that's not a place I like to be.  But, back to my search for chicken and waffle fries...

As I walked, a person asked me for directions to the main hospital.  Great.  I'm lost, and someone needs directions.  Oh boy.  I told her I wasn't sure, but that I thought it was down the hill.  I offered to walk with her until we found it.  It was actually down the hill.  Yay, me! In the process of walking and talking, I learned that she had recently lost her job and had subsequently become homeless.  I was immediately humbled.

We shared lunch together and talked some more.  In the process, I learned that I am so blessed.  Though we have been hit very hard economically, we are still hanging onto our home by a thread and meals come regularly.  Since I had to rush off to a meeting, I didn't have time to stay for long with her.  I had intended to come back and meet her at the end of my day, but circumstances precluded it.

I prayed that I would see her again.  Yesterday, as I was leaving work walking in a new direction, I saw her again.  JOY filled my heart.  God had heard my prayers and answered in a way that only He could.  And I had NO doubt that it was His work alone.  We hugged.  We talked.  I know I'll see her again, and I know He's taking care of her in ways that I can't.  That gave me "inexpressible" joy.  

God is the only source of true joy (I Pet. 1:8), and He pours His joy out in unexpected ways.  And, though I had to settle that day for a well-made panini over my waffle fries,  I got something much better in the end.  What filled your heart with unspeakable (inexpressible) joy today?

For more on the Joy Fruit of the Spirit, please visit:

There is Beauty in Letting Go:
The Rabbit Hole Chronicles:
The Ever-changing Thought:


karen said...

What a great story. God directs our paths and when we are obedient, we can't help but ooze joy. You are an inspiration.

Unknown said...

very encouraged by this story. thank you for sharing. (:

Babetta said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement. God has truly blessed me through this woman. He still surprises me daily. Never a dull moment.