Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Not Kind

I once told a friend of mine that I'm not kind.  He looked at me with the most peculiar face.  He was utterly baffled.  He responded in the most incredulous way.  "You are too!" he said. I have to chuckle at the memory.

While I don't remember what we were talking about, I do remember meaning what I said.  If someone asked me to describe myself, that's not a word that would make my top ten.

Why? I always associate kindness with sweetness.  In truth, I'm feisty and a bit rough around the edges.  I think I'm compassionate, but not really kind.  Is that possible?

I'm not sure, but the fruits of the spirit require kindness, so I have to work on it.  I have to embody kindness.  I should exude kindness and ooze it all over everyone.

So here is my question:  do acts of kindness make you a kind person?  If not, why not?

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