Sunday, June 3, 2012

Peace Failure

In exploring peace this week, I realized that I was lacking it more times than a few, and that it's nobody's fault but mine.  See, God always holds up His end of the bargain.  If something isn't working out the way I want it to, I know where the glitch happened.  But...just because I know, doesn't mean I fully embrace the idea all the time.

God promises to give me a peace that exceeds understanding (Phil. 4:7).  My part of the bargain is to keep my mind fixed on Him instead of my circumstances.  I am to be thankful for those things in my life that are good.  I am to trust Him instead of myself or my logic.  In return, He gives me peace that defies common sense!  That's a nice deal!

The problem is, I just can't do it.  That's right.  I'm a failure at this.  When problems are super-sized, the way they have been this week, I lose my focus sometimes.  But there's good news:  God never fails.  Even when I give up on Him, He doesn't give up on me.  When I am weak, He is strong.  He is right there waiting for me to shift my focus back to Him and stop wallowing.

When my focus is on my salvation instead of my circumstances, I experience peace that no mind can explain.  That peace is the kind that allows me to sleep when I should be tossing and turning.  It allows me to sing when I should be crying.  It allows me to trust when everyone else is doubting me.  The peace He gives cannot be found in stores or in the arms of another.  His peace is worth more than anything.

I thank Him for this timely reminder tonight when I need it so much.  His peace is worth holding onto.  Have you grabbed hold of His peace?  How do you stay focused on the peace-giver when life weighs you down?

Need more peace?  Check out:

There is Beauty in Letting Go:
The Rabbit Hole Chronicles:
The Ever-changing Thought:

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