Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Details

If you've ever seen Everybody Loves Raymond, you know that Ray and Debra have a very unique and funny relationship. In this particular episode, Raymond has just proposed to her. While she's squealing with excitement, she begins showing him colors for bridesmaids dresses. He asks, "You're already planning the wedding?" She looks at him incredulously and says, "I've been planning it since I was 12!" He replies, "But you didn't meet me until you were 22!" She replies, "You're the last detail!"

After I stopped laughing, I started thinking. How true it is. Girls practice walking down the aisle before they can even spell it. We plan our dress. Choose our attendants. We may even know where we will will celebrate the big day. Now all we need is a groom.

Some sources state that the divorce rate in the US is almost 1 in 2. With numbers this high, we are clearly doing many things wrong. Instead of spending 2 years planning the "perfect" wedding, we could spend that time planning our marriage. What will every day look like. Talk about goals, values and expectations. Really learn the person you are planning to spend the rest of your life with. He should not be, "just a detail." Some random thoughts...

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