Monday, March 30, 2009

Thankful for Monday

This is hard for me to say. I'm learning to be thankful for Monday's. Even though it signifies the end of my wonderful weekend, it gives me something to thank God for. Throughout this tough economy, many fellow Americans have found themselves without work. Laid-off indefinitely. Down-sized. However you say it, it adds up to no money. Panic, fear and uncertainty.

When I wake up at 5:30, I'm never feeling thankful. I curse the morning, the darkness, pretty much everything. But as I watch the morning news and see lines for job fairs wrapping around the corner, I am learning to thank God that I'm not in that line. I'm also learning that God knows how to get my attention.

So with the dawn of a new Monday, I'm going to try and focus on how happy I am that my badge works. That my building is not closed. That my hours have not been cut. That I make a reasonable salary. Pray for me as I try to focus on gratitude. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13

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