Sunday, March 8, 2009

Creative Reproductivity

There is a process know as PGD, or Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. It has been around for almost twenty years now, according to Wikipedia. The idea is that a couple undergoing IVF is able to "choose" which sex a child is before implantation. Since I am a scientist, I have always found this process fascinating, but I've always had concerns about the uses of this technology.

In my work, I often see the amnios of women who've undergone fertility treatments. The result is often multiples, and they frequently want genetic testing to search for sex and any abnormalities. If a child is the wrong sex, or has a genetic defect, they are often aborted. PGD will enable a couple to learn of these things before implantation occurs. Therefore producing a custom pregnancy, so to speak.

In the news, two clinics are boasting of there abilities to provide "designer" babies. You can now choose eye color, hair color and even height and intellect! The ethical implications are terrifying and unconscionable. Technology is a blessing that God gave us. In the wrong hands, this will be disastrous. Creation is God's alone. When doctors and parents play God, the results will be catastrophic.


karen said...

Wow I hadn't heard of this. It's like a slap in God's face like he doesn't know what he's doing. We can make a better baby than he can.

God forgive us for turning life into a commodity.

I also did not know that you are a scientist. I've learned a lot from you today.

My life as a Home Engineer said...

I agree but then you and Tre have a good track record of producing beautiful children and I'm sure that trend will continue. But if I had one child and noticed he/she was only getting the "how precious" compliments then I don't think I'd try again without added help LOL

Unknown said...

I want a baby with blond hair, one blue eye and one green eye. That's right. With our genes.