Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silicone Valley

In an attempt to unwind, I flipped on the TV. I clicked the button and landed on VH1. Mistake 1. When I saw multiple sets of overly exposed boobs, my curiosity told me to watch for a moment. What I landed on is some show called Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels. I first looked up Bret Michaels in Wikipedia because I had no idea who he is. Apparently he's a rock star who founded the band Poison back in the eighties. He's now 45 years old! So, if you've never seen the show, I'll give a brief synopsis.

There is a multitude of young women all vying for the attention of this man. Who, by the way, wears guyliner. Anyway. In this episode, they are playing something called "truck-stop games". Each woman is wearing a tiny shirt or bikini top with a Wonderbra to accentuate their super-inflated breasts. They are competing in front of some dirty middle-aged men. They're running, pole-dancing, tumbling, name it. Their pockets were actually longer than the daisy dukes they were modeling. The show includes plenty of girl drama and jealousy. I've never seen so much silicone in my life!

So what's my point? With so many shows like this on television, I wonder what makes a woman so desperate that she will parade herself half-naked to a man who's sleeping with multiple others simultaneously? One woman actually got upset that Bret was making out with other women. He basically told her, this is the way my life is. Wow. Another happily told him that she doesn't mind sharing her man, and wouldn't mind seeing them together!

So with shows like Rock of Love Bus, Flavor of Love and The Bachelor, it's no wonder girls and women are delusional when it comes to healthy relationships and marriage. I'm comforting myself by saying, "they only do it for the appearance fees, and no woman is really taking this seriously." However, the emotional breakdowns and cat-fighting look far too real to be scripted.
Need I say more?