Saturday, May 2, 2009

Brain Dead

So lately I've been so distracted. For those of you who visit me regularly, you know I try to post consistently. Thank you, btw, to those of you who visit often. I really do appreciate it. Feel free to spread the word . But I digress. Anyway. I've had many things on my mind. Work. The new baby. The future. God's plan for me. My daughter's self-confidence. Traveling. You get the picture.

When this happens, my schedule gets all crazy. I simply forgot to write. So I'm just gonna share a little. This week has been hectic. Work has been hectic and stressful. I've been wondering when God will provide a ram in the bush. I would also like to help my daughter with her fears. At times she is so hesitant to try new or difficult things. I guess it bothers me because I feel that kids should be fearless. Most times I feel that I should do more, and the guilt of being a working mom takes its place in my psyche.

I've also, sadly, spent some time worrying about my unborn baby. While the pregnancy is progressing fine, I can't know right now if it's healthy and whole. I should not be concerned, but the geneticist in me knows too much info. With the previous loss, I'm a bit more paranoid. And while others are praying for me, I still struggle and ask God to forgive me for not trusting Him enough.

So now that you know a little about what's going on with me, maybe the picture is a little clearer. I will remind myself to focus and share my heart with each of you. For those that I know personally, I thank you for your friendship and support. For those that I do not, I thank you also and look forward to continuing our very long distance relationship. God bless you. May His grace and mercy smile on you. May His Light guide your footsteps as I know He will continue to guide mine also.


Christina said...

Thanks for taking the time to post on your blog. I really enjoy reading about your life, and your insight into current events. I completely understand feeling distracted. I feel that is the story of my life these days. Have a great week!! I look forward to future blogs!

Babetta said...

Thanks so much. It's been nice to see you more frequently again!