Wednesday, May 6, 2009

God, I Need to Talk

At times talking to God feels impossible. If talking to Him feels impossible, waiting to hear His voice is painful! We have been praying to God for His guidance without feeling that we have any more of an idea. After a while we started to second-guess ourselves. What are we doing wrong? Are we not talking loudly enough?

Then two days ago, while looking for labels, I stumbled on a book that I've had for quite a while. Through the years and a couple of cross-country moves, it's been pushed to the bottom of the pile. Well, in the nick of time, God brought it to the top. It appeared almost like magic. Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 days by Kay Arthur.

I'm only 2 days in, but I'm feeling optimistic. Although I've been praying for years, perhaps my skills have gotten a little rusty. The author has begun by focusing on the references to pray in the Bible, and the specific prayers found their. There are discussions about how to pray and what to pray for.

I'm looking forward to sitting at the feet of Jesus through this study. Pray that I persevere and that I am radically transformed by the end of it. I know God can do it, and I believe He will. I will share when I finish. Anything that improves my communication with the Most High is alright with me!

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