Monday, May 4, 2009

Small Groups

We were learning about steps to improve our relationship with God at church yesterday. With pen in hand, I am armed to take meticulous notes. The first step was daily quiet time. No problem! My pen halted abruptly at step two, participate in a small group. What? Why? It isn't like we haven't heard this before. We were even a part of a couples small group before we had children. Over the years our conflicting schedules have made small group attendance extinct. Either there are no good times or no child care. But of course those are only the surface reasons for not going. Our reasons, although legit, are fostered by a basic distrust of church folks.

Growing up as a pk, I saw a lot in church. Much of it ugly. When you hear other Christians gossipping about their group members, you decide there is no point in setting yourself up for disappointment. I can get two-faced friends anywhere. So pastor said, "It's time to trust again." The statement spoke to me. I realized that perhaps it was, no is, my own expectations that set me up for failure. We're all human. Fallen and broken. We will sin. I need to stop judging and realize that Christians are saved by grace. So I'm searching for a group now and looking forward to new relationships.


karen said...

Wow. I think I heard the same message yesterday. I'll pray we both find a group we can be real in.

Christina said...

I really feel that I learn something new about you everytime I read a new blog. I will pray that you find a small group for you and your husband.