Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's Dance

Tyler Frost, an Ohio high school senior, was recently suspended, according to a Yahoo story. He is not permitted to take his finals on time, and subsequently will not graduate with his classmates. Pretty steep punishment. If you're like me, you want to know what this delinquent boy did to deserve this sentence. Trust me, there were no bomb scares or threatening others. He danced.

I listened to an interview the young man gave to CBS's The Early Show. The gist of the story is that the kid attends a Heritage Christian School in Findlay,OH. He received an invitation from his girlfriend to attend her prom at another school. He needed permission from his principal. It is apparent that Frost knew there was a chance he would not be allowed to graduate if he went. The school is said to have a policy against dancing.

During the interview, Frost stated that he enjoyed himself and feels it was worth the risk. He also believed the school's policies should not apply to activities not on school grounds. When asked about his faith, he says that he still considers himself to be a Christian and lives by the principles he's been taught at his school. Another article from the Toledo Blade goes into more detail about the school's position. There's also a response to the media attention on the school's website.

I don't want to comment just yet. I would really like to hear from all of you and then engage in a dialogue. Please weigh in.


My life as a Home Engineer said...

this is a hard one for me and honestly I'm on the fence. I think the rules are way to strict and I disagree withem but the problem is that the rules are already in place and they were broken so I don't know. The whole situation stinks. I personally love to dance and never would've made it at this school. I think the school has too many rules that probably don't make sense dancing in itself isn't a moral issue to me but more of a practical one. Dancing itself shouldn't be considered wrong it's the way you dance that can be a problem.

But again I'm torn because regardless the rules were put in place and whether I agree with them or not this boy did and then knowingly broke them and I don't agree with that either. I can't wait to hear your take on this.

karen said...

Wow. Another story that makes Christians look like a bunch of legalistic hypocrites.

I too am torn on this one. According to his step father, the rules only apply while at school. I haven't seen a response to that from the school. I'd be interested in knowing their take.

I'm curious why the principal would sign a form stating it was OK for him to attend the prom, while at the same time warning him there would be consequences. If the school's stance on dancing is so strong, why sign it at all? I know... to put the choice on Frost.

Whether or not I agree with the school's policy, respect for authority is really the issue here. He signed an agreement stating he wouldn't dance, and he did. If it's true that the policy only applies while at the school, this is a non-issue, but I think that is probably not the case. He broke the rules, he knew the consequences for breaking the rules.

My guess is next year the policy will be changed to be more specific. Looking forward to reading your take on this.

Frenchie said...

This has been ALL OVER the papers and everybody is talking about it in town. I just wish it would be done with honestly. The heart wants what the heart wants. Living in Findlay is sometimes a nice secluded area but STUPID and immature things like this just really bring the image down and tarnish it for future residents.