Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shut Up!

I'm wondering why women are so drawn to juicy secrets? While I realize that men also enjoy an opportunity to talk about someone's misfortune, women are especially excited by this. I've seen women practically foam at the mouth at the expectation of gleaning a morsel of private information. The main problem is that it is especially prevalent among believers.

I know you're shocked and appalled by this revelation. The church is meant to be a safe haven for those who are broken and weary. I've had a tendency to steer clear of women's groups primarily because I feel that gossip is so often thinly veiled in a cloak of concern or a so-called prayer request.

Gossips are thrilled to spread information about someone's failures or distress. The intent of gossip is tragic, painful and repulsive. A gossip does not care if the information being spread is truthful. She does not care who gets caught in the crossfire. As women, we have much to learn about gossip.

Many women are afraid of sharing their hearts or failures with other women because they don't want to hear about it later on from someone else. They are also afraid that the "friend" they choose to share with is secretly happy she is struggling. Gossip makes it hard to truly empathize with another, and it it in direct opposition with Jesus' teaching. We are commanded to cry with one another and help to bear one another's burdens, not to rejoice in shortcomings.

Proverbs 20:19 says: A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don't hang around with chatterers.
Proverbs 11:12-13 says:
It is foolish to belittle one's neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet. A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence. The Bible leaves no question about what should leave our mouths. Since the Bible takes a hard line on being busybodies who have nothing better to do than spread lies, as Christians, we are supposed to do the same. Let us learn to be TRUE friends to each other. Let us learn to glory only in the good things and exercise self-control.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

God is a Funny Guy

WARNING: This post probably isn't for pious people who have never felt distant from God. Leave all judgment at the door.

My life has been filled with stresses lately. The walls have felt like they've been trying to close in around me. I've had a block between me and God, too. I've allowed life to get in the way of time that I spend with Him alone. I've been too tired and too lazy to fix it even though it has caused me innumerable problems. I can always justify the distance by saying I'm too tired to get up since I don't get to sleep through the night any more. But God is a funny guy. He's not interested in my excuses. He misses me, and He's set out to prove it to me.

For the past several days I have been waking up before my alarm and even when I have nowhere to go! It's been annoying. I've tried without success to just go back to sleep. So last night, before going to sleep, I prayed that God would allow me to get much needed sleep and that I would not wake up before the alarm again. While God heard my prayer, He did not obey. He's funny like that. Once again I tried to fall back to sleep with no luck. But this morning was different. I decided to pray that He would reveal to me why He kept waking me up against my will. This was apparently the prayer I should have prayed when this first started happening.

This morning, unlike recent mornings, began with a prayer for guidance. It continued with me taking a long-awaited spiritual journey through my YouVersion Bible while I allowed the Holy Spirit to be my tour guide. Amazing things are happening even as I write this. I'm glad that I put stubbornness on hold long enough to receive these blessings. My head feels clearer and my path straighter. It's funny how that happened only when I quit being disobedient to God and His attempts to get my attention. I'm just glad He loves me enough to not give up just because I'm being an idiot! ;)