Saturday, July 31, 2010
Into the Unknown
I'm being downsized. As of Tuesday, I'm a stay at home mom by default. Our company decided to close the doors completely, one phase at a time, and we are the first to go. I've had many mixed emotions since I've been navigating through the last couple of months. From shock to anger to confusion and acceptance to excitement.
I've been wrestling with a growing discontented restlessness for a while now. Knowing that God had placed a purpose in my heart. One that needed to be fulfilled. As a full-time working wife and mother to three, free time was in short supply. After the birth of our third, I reduced my hours some in hopes of finding a little more balance. Still time was limited, and energy, with a baby who sleeps terribly was almost non-existent.
I've been taking baby steps. I've been praying for God to be crystal clear to me. So far He has been taking me out of my carefully protected comfort zone and leading me down a path that logic did not create. Yet, most of the time my soul is bathed in a peaceful balm. I'm excited to be more involved in my home and with my family. When I think too much about the loss of income, my focus shifts, and I can feel myself sinking under the waves of uncertainty.
In the days to come, I will refer often to this song by Britt Nicole. I pray it speaks to your heart the way it speaks to me.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Protesting Protesters
I was furious. "Jesus"was plastered on the backs of their matching t-shirts. I believe that abortion destroys babies. However, these protesters scared me. Their pictures were nauseating and extreme. I just kept thinking that the pro-life message is not being helped with this type of propaganda.
I was so thankful that my children were not in the car with me. It would have traumatized them terribly. I think I might have nightmares tonight. Their signs and shirts showed that they were a Christian organization that was "saving the world".
Abortion is a highly political topic that I prefer not to broach. But one way or another, this subject has pushed its way into my psyche this week. A woman who finds herself facing with an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy is in a very vulnerable place. She may be scared and confused and hopeless.
One thing we can all agree on (hopefully), is the mother and the baby need to be cared for. Both of their lives are important to God. Both are in need of saving. If we as Christians are willing to condemn a woman who considers abortion, then we should definitely be willing to offer more than prayers to the young woman who chooses to bring her child into the world, whether to parent or place for adoption. We should exude love and not condemnation.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Distinctly Impossible
But Hebrews gives me the vibe that trying to please God without wholly believing in all that He is and can do, is a big waste of time! Why would I try to please a man that I don't trust with my problems? How can I please a man that I don't believe will provide the money needed to cover our bills? When can I please this man that was big enough to create the whole world in 6 days and not big enough to keep my children healthy or strengthen my marriage?
Hebrews says, it is not possible. No chance. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. So, as I continue to pray about God's plan for this next stage of my life, I must have complete faith if I'm to have any chance at pleasing Him. Even though God has always proven faithful, I haven't. When I put Him inside of my tiny, compartmentalized box, He becomes inadequate. His timing becomes imperfect, and I become frazzled. But, in those times when I truly rest in Him, sleep comes easier.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Don't Worry, I Got This
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
In this chapter Jesus is speaking to His disciples preparing them for His death and eventual return to heaven. This particular verse spoke to my heart this evening. It shows Jesus' compassion for His followers. He seemed to be sensitive to their concerns and gave then information and encouragement to prepare them for things to come.
In this chapter He told them that the Holy Spirit would be sent to comfort them after He was gone. He wanted them to have peace. He warned them of the troubles that they would face in this world. He assured them that they WILL have trouble. There was no question about that. But instead of leaving them in despair, He instructed them to "take heart". Be encouraged. Relax. "I got you." Why? " I have overcome the world." Not the town, or the village, not the city, not even the continent. THE WORLD!
When we experience troubles it is easy to think, why me? This verse reminds us that we WILL all have troubles. It's a promise. We should not really be surprised when having difficulties. The prudent thing to do is to remember that Jesus has overcome the whole world and the circumstances that we all face while in it. Allow His words to seep into your heart and marinate in your spirit. Let them saturate your mind and soothe your worries.