The past thirty days have been trying for me. I have cried a lot. I think I've sprouted many more gray hairs around my temples. My blood pressure is probably high. I've been overwhelmed with mounting laundry, last minute papers to write and sick kids. Not to mention the fact that there is too much month left at the end of our money.
I feel at times that I am in a crock-pot. God is baking me slowly, like a pot roast. If you've ever made a pot roast, then you know that cooking them too quickly creates a rubbery mass that is not edible. Ahhh, but if you allow them to roast slowly and soak up the juices, the result is a wonderful savory delight.
Please pray that I have the grace to stay in the pot long enough to produce a wonderfully usable end product. Pray also that I accept the "seasoning" He throws my way. I admit that I am weak right now. I'm in great need of strength, encouragement and a big dose of extra faith. I need to feel His strength in my weakness.
Image from laloosh.com