Monday, October 31, 2011

Sexy Girls

My husband and I have been going back and forth about costumes for Halloween. I told him that I think it's ridiculous that the only costumes available for women are the tawdry ones that require you to be half naked. I guess he thinks it's a fair representation of the holiday they are made for. In that regard, maybe he's right. But I've always enjoyed dressing up for fall parties, and I refuse to look like a prostitute preparing for a shift.

What I wear with my husband and what I wear in public are two very different things. Some things should be left to the imagination. Our bodies are not for objectification. We need to respect ourselves. It is possible to look pretty and even sexy without being slutty.

Costume makers have even made "sexy" outfits for the under 13 girls. I had the misfortune of seeing some on the shelf in a costume shop over the weekend. If moms are walking out with cleavage bared and skirts that hardly pass for belts, is it any wonder our daughters want to mimic what they see us do?

As women, we should dress in ways that make it easy for us to be treated with respect. A man will not love a woman he doesn't respect. And a woman who does not respect herself is not loving herself. I realize there is a broad range of what each of us finds "respectable". Let's just use caution in choosing what we wear and where we post the pics. No regrets.

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Secret Thoughts

I want to tell you that things have been extremely hard for us lately. Our cars are all in disrepair. Our finances are truly inadequate. There have been times in the last few months when I have questioned God. I have yelled at Him. I have doubted Him. I have quite talking to Him. I have experienced such a range of emotions that I thought I was losing my mind.

I have made futile attempts to stand on God's promises and fallen short. I have wondered how long this season will last. I have wondered what I did wrong and evaluated my life. I have wondered where God was and whether or not He was laughing at me.

But today He spoke to me. As I was putting the finishing touching on dinner, the lyrics to a Fred Hammond song came into my head. Since I haven't heard it in a very long time, I knew this whisper was from God. I instructed our oldest child to bring my CDs, and I began to listen. I fully intended to go straight to that song, but God had another plan. I ended up listening to the whole thing.

I laughed, I cried. I shouted out loud. I prayed and even begged God to forgive my lack of faith. In a way that only He can, He reached out and wrapped me in His arms through each song's message. With puffy eyes, I write this with a subtle smile. My heart feels light, and my spirit is renewed.

Though nothing in my circumstances have changed, my thoughts toward God are back where they need to be, I realize that He has been there all along. I feel loved and protected now in a way I have been missing. I feel immeasurable gratitude.

Trials come to make us stronger and to show God's glory. By the time we pass through this, I will be stronger than Samson with the wisdom of Solomon. I have stomped on the devil's head and let Him know who I have working for me. He has to back off now.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

'Til Death Do Us Part

Marriage and divorce are common occurrences in our country. The divorce rate is appallingly high, and many say that no one stays married any more. Gordon and Norma Yeager of Iowa recently died after more than 70 years of marriage. Imagine what they saw and the challenges that they faced during their time together. Any of us who is married knows that at times marriage can take you to your breaking point, but it doesn't have to end in divorce. In joy and trials, marriages are meant to be lifelong covenants with few exceptions. Let their story inspire you to hold on for dear life until God takes one (or both) of you home.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Our youngest child is a fireball. She's almost two, and she has no fear. This is both funny and frightening. Her latest adventure lead her to climb into her pack and play unaided. Getting in was not problem. Getting out, however, was another story. I watched closely as she dangled precariously on the edge. She did not hesitate to say, "Mommy, help."

She pointed me to the invisible God with that single request. There was no doubt in her voice. She had complete faith that I would help her out of the jam she got herself into. I've found myself in need of a lot of help lately. Life has thrown me some mighty curve balls this past year, and I have found myself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed at times. I am thankful that my small child reminded me that I need only to ask for help, and God will answer.

Psalm 121

A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.