Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Survival Truths

When you ask God for something, do you really think He will answer you?  When you pray, do you believe He hears you?  When you call out to Him, do you think he really cares about what you're saying?

I admit that I sometimes lose sight of these truths when I am in the middle of a big crisis (or two).  Sometimes I whine and cry and ask why this or that is happening to me.  Sometimes I allow doubt to creep in and the devil to steal my peace from me.

One thing I love about God is that He is patient with me.  He patiently waits for me to refocus my attention where it's supposed to be: off of my problems and onto Him.  He forgives my lack of faith and holds me closely.

The Word reminds me that we will have problems, but we can take heart because He has already overcome the world.  May this Truth remind you as I am allowing it to remind me tonight.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No Such Thing as Freedom of Speech

As this political season heats up, I can feel my temperature rising.  I have never enjoyed election years, but so far, this one takes the cake.  The whining and mud-slinging are just plain annoying.

Oh, I'm not talking about the candidates, I'm referring to the voters.  There are those that take freedom of speech to new heights.  Our so-called freedom of speech is not meant to be a free-for-all of hate and disdain being volleyed back and forth like a shuttlecock.

Christians have a responsibility to share their views in ways that reflect Christ's love at all times.  This doesn't mean that we have to be soft on the ideals we hold dear, but we do need to consider our desired end result.  We should examine our hearts and motives carefully before jumping on a bad wagon or plastering our car bumpers with political paraphernalia.

Every word that comes out of our mouths has the potential to be a fiery dart.  Is it more important to point the lost to Christ or prove a fleeting point?   Freedom of speech may be a constitutional right, but is it a God-given right?  Scripture gives us many stipulations about the way we speak.  We don't have carte blanche.

We should stop deluding ourselves into believing that the world can't see through the thinly veiled hatred behind our words and deeds.  As the saying goes, "you catch more flies with honey..."  Not that people are flies, but you know what I mean.

So please, before you hop in your car and "eat mor chikin" or post your latest dig at "obamacare" or "r money", please ask God to give you the wisdom to love your neighbors first.  We have to make sure that we are not using God as a shield to hurt others or propagate our own twisted opinions.  The ultimate goal is to win another to Christ.  Let's not lose sight of that.

                                             "Speaking the truth in love..."  Ephesians 4:15

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Temper-Fire Starter

When I started to ponder gentleness this morning, I wasn't sure what I wanted to write.  Then it occurred to me.  "A gentle response defuses anger..."  (Prov. 15:1 MSG)

I'm not sure why that was the first thing that popped into my head.  Well, maybe I am.  Maybe it's because I sometimes have a hard time with that; more often than I care to admit.

The problem is that I sometimes flip out when I am hurt or upset or stressed out, and I usually hurt the people I care about the most in the process.  Oh, I always feel terrible afterwards, but that doesn't undo the damage I've caused.

I've always been a bit rough around the edges.  It's primarily a defense mechanism that's been in place for as long as I can remember.  But, the rest of this verse says, "...but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire."  Wow.  Is that what I've been doing?  Perhaps.

So, I don't have any wise advice on this topic today because it's something I'm struggling with right now.  What I have is an earnest prayer that God will pluck out the non-gentle responses from me and replace them with words that lift up, inspire and promote peace.

If you sometimes falter in this area, feel free to borrow my little prayer.  May God make us all more gentle today.  Amen.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

His Goodness, not Mine

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.  And I will live in the house of the Lord forever.  Amen.

While this is a mishmash of several different versions of Psalm 23:6, it's how it flowed out of my heart tonight.  I hope you're okay with that.

This is the verse that entered my mind when I was pondering the fruit of the spirit of goodness.

Since I am not good, I thought of God's goodness.  We are not born good, nor do we become good.  But in God's goodness, He has volunteered to share some of it with us.  He shines through us.  We are not good in anyway without Him.  So any "good" people see in me is His light shining through.  I can't take a bit of credit.

I'm just grateful that He's so good to me, even though I don't deserve it.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Not Kind

I once told a friend of mine that I'm not kind.  He looked at me with the most peculiar face.  He was utterly baffled.  He responded in the most incredulous way.  "You are too!" he said. I have to chuckle at the memory.

While I don't remember what we were talking about, I do remember meaning what I said.  If someone asked me to describe myself, that's not a word that would make my top ten.

Why? I always associate kindness with sweetness.  In truth, I'm feisty and a bit rough around the edges.  I think I'm compassionate, but not really kind.  Is that possible?

I'm not sure, but the fruits of the spirit require kindness, so I have to work on it.  I have to embody kindness.  I should exude kindness and ooze it all over everyone.

So here is my question:  do acts of kindness make you a kind person?  If not, why not?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Anxiously Waiting Patiently

PATIENCE.  I wrote it in caps on purpose.  This word screams at me a lot.  Does it scream at you, or are you one of those disgustingly patient people who has no problem waiting for anything?  I bet you don't have road rage.  You never yell at your children.  You don't even get mad when you pray for an answer and are met with deadening silence.

That's not me.

I don't typically characterize myself as impatient, unless it's really important.  Will I get this job?  When will You tell me what direction you want me to go?  When will this work day end?  You know, that kind of stuff.  The big stuff.

So what's the deal with patience?  Why is it so hard?  The tough thing for me is to accept God's timing.  I wanted to know last week, but He's got me scheduled to find out sometime in 2014.  What am I supposed to do until then?

That's what we're expected to do.  Wait on Him.  Psalm 27:14 says:

Wait patiently for the LORD.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.*

Patience is a process.  If I am waiting patiently, I am not stressed out with worry and fear.  If I am waiting patiently, I am learning to persevere.  If I am waiting patiently, my faith is taking wings and building muscle.

  It takes courage, but we can rest in knowing God knows the paths we are to follow, and his GPS never causes us to end up in a backyard when we're trying to get to the mall in the next town over.  He is infallible. He is unchanging.  He is worth waiting patiently for.  I love how God reminds me to be patient when I need it the most?

What are you waiting for God to show you today?  Are you waiting patiently or biting off your nails?

*Scripture from YouVersion.com NLT

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Peace Failure

In exploring peace this week, I realized that I was lacking it more times than a few, and that it's nobody's fault but mine.  See, God always holds up His end of the bargain.  If something isn't working out the way I want it to, I know where the glitch happened.  But...just because I know, doesn't mean I fully embrace the idea all the time.

God promises to give me a peace that exceeds understanding (Phil. 4:7).  My part of the bargain is to keep my mind fixed on Him instead of my circumstances.  I am to be thankful for those things in my life that are good.  I am to trust Him instead of myself or my logic.  In return, He gives me peace that defies common sense!  That's a nice deal!

The problem is, I just can't do it.  That's right.  I'm a failure at this.  When problems are super-sized, the way they have been this week, I lose my focus sometimes.  But there's good news:  God never fails.  Even when I give up on Him, He doesn't give up on me.  When I am weak, He is strong.  He is right there waiting for me to shift my focus back to Him and stop wallowing.

When my focus is on my salvation instead of my circumstances, I experience peace that no mind can explain.  That peace is the kind that allows me to sleep when I should be tossing and turning.  It allows me to sing when I should be crying.  It allows me to trust when everyone else is doubting me.  The peace He gives cannot be found in stores or in the arms of another.  His peace is worth more than anything.

I thank Him for this timely reminder tonight when I need it so much.  His peace is worth holding onto.  Have you grabbed hold of His peace?  How do you stay focused on the peace-giver when life weighs you down?

Need more peace?  Check out:

There is Beauty in Letting Go: http://beautyintheletgo.blogspot.com/
The Rabbit Hole Chronicles: http://therabbitholechronicles.wordpress.com/
The Ever-changing Thought: http://tecthought.com/

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inexpressible Joy

A couple of weeks ago I was wandering aimlessly at work in search of Chick-Fil-A.  I knew there was one on the campus, but I didn't know exactly how to get there.  As a new employee on a huge campus, I have spent a lot of time lost and at the mercy of others.  If you know me at all, you will know that's not a place I like to be.  But, back to my search for chicken and waffle fries...

As I walked, a person asked me for directions to the main hospital.  Great.  I'm lost, and someone needs directions.  Oh boy.  I told her I wasn't sure, but that I thought it was down the hill.  I offered to walk with her until we found it.  It was actually down the hill.  Yay, me! In the process of walking and talking, I learned that she had recently lost her job and had subsequently become homeless.  I was immediately humbled.

We shared lunch together and talked some more.  In the process, I learned that I am so blessed.  Though we have been hit very hard economically, we are still hanging onto our home by a thread and meals come regularly.  Since I had to rush off to a meeting, I didn't have time to stay for long with her.  I had intended to come back and meet her at the end of my day, but circumstances precluded it.

I prayed that I would see her again.  Yesterday, as I was leaving work walking in a new direction, I saw her again.  JOY filled my heart.  God had heard my prayers and answered in a way that only He could.  And I had NO doubt that it was His work alone.  We hugged.  We talked.  I know I'll see her again, and I know He's taking care of her in ways that I can't.  That gave me "inexpressible" joy.  

God is the only source of true joy (I Pet. 1:8), and He pours His joy out in unexpected ways.  And, though I had to settle that day for a well-made panini over my waffle fries,  I got something much better in the end.  What filled your heart with unspeakable (inexpressible) joy today?

For more on the Joy Fruit of the Spirit, please visit:

There is Beauty in Letting Go: http://beautyintheletgo.blogspot.com/
The Rabbit Hole Chronicles: http://therabbitholechronicles.wordpress.com/
The Ever-changing Thought: http://tecthought.com/

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


When I think of love I am reminded of a vintage Heavy D song that asks, "Now that we've found love, what are we gonna do with it?"  Even if you're not familiar with the song, I'm sure you've asked yourself that question a time or two.  I certainly know I have.  Love is often confusing.  It makes you laugh and cry; sometimes at the same time.

My husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary.  I told him last week that we always seem to argue more around our anniversary, and I have no reason why.  I'm no closer to the answer today than I was then.  But I do know this:  I'm thankful.  Even when I'm mad at him, I'm thankful to be with him.  God's love has been the model that we've tried to follow.  His love has been the glue that has kept us together even when we weren't oozing love or when challenges have threatened to snuff our love out.

When I at look at the definitions for love found in I Corinthians 13, I realize that I often fall short.  Am I patient?  Am I kind?  Am I thinking of his needs first?  Sometimes.  Not enough, though.   When I am tempted to judge and hold grudges, I am reminded of the grace that God has shown me when I fail.  He shows His love in so many ways.  Can I not love my husband or my children the way God loves me?

The Bible is good at presenting us with challenges.  It gives us something to strive for.  Marriage is hard work, but it's fun, too.  When I love my way, it doesn't work.  But when I love the way Corinthians calls me to, it's like a sweet berry.  It is delicious and satisfying for both of us.  What better expression of God's love than to see His love shine through us to one another?  How can you show love to your spouse or loved one today?

     This post is the first in a new series reflecting on the Fruits of the Spirit.  It is a collaborative effort inspired by my dear friend Karen.  Together, several of us will be exploring the fruits over the next couple of months and sharing what God says to each of us.  Please take some time to visit these lovely ladies for more on the fruit of love:

There is Beauty in Letting Go: http://beautyintheletgo.blogspot.com/
The Rabbit Hole Chronicles: http://therabbitholechronicles.wordpress.com/
The Ever-changing Thought: http://tecthought.com/

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"I'm Not That Spiritual Right Now"

So I'm watching Mary, Mary, contemporary gospel superstars right now.  The younger of the duo just found out she is expecting a fifth child and is feeling very overwhelmed as a result.  She is talking to her husband about her feelings.  He starts telling her that God will help them to handle the children and continue to give them all they need for them.  She turns to him and says, "I'm not that spiritual right now."  She says that she is just her plain old self right now.

Oh how that resonated with me.  While I'm not expecting another child, I can totally relate to being overwhelmed.  I can relate to wanting to just be me without thinking of what God's plan is at the moment.  Sometimes I'm reeling too much to focus on where He is in the middle.  I think it's normal.  We just can't afford to stay there too long.

What do you think?  When have you said or thought, "I'm just not that spiritual right now?"  How long did it take for you to refocus your attention on the Man in charge of it all, the One who gives us peace?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Life Gets in the Way

Truly, my title says it all tonight.  I recently returned to work after an extended hiatus.  Though I spent most of it in grad school, it's still taking some adjusting for me to get used to a schedule again.  Everything has changed.  My wake up time is different.  My bed time is different.  My free time is different.

While I'm thankful and somewhat happy with the new gig, I am frustrated by what has happened to my routine. How many of you can relate?  Change can be so hard.  Life has a way of throwing us curve balls and mixing everything up.  At times we feel like everything is out of our control.  The reality is that everything is out of our control, and that's a really good thing.

Right now I an trying to get back on track.  I've fallen terribly behind on my YouVersion plan, and that disappoints me.  I've been missing meeting with my Virtual Bible Study girls, too.  I am carefully re-prioritizing my recently changed life, and I will be ready to grab the proverbial "bull by the horns" before too long.

He has gently reminded me that His plans for me are good ones; meant to prosper me and not hurt me. (Jer. 29:11)  What changes are you dealing with in your life right now?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Babies Everywhere

If you've been reading for a while, you know I often have questions about the things that puzzle me.  I often wonder if I am the only one scratching her head when something odd crosses my radar.  So what am I wondering about today?  Pregnancy.  

No, I am not pregnant, nor do I want to be pregnant.  I have paid my debt to society and obeyed the command to "be fruitful and multiply" :)  What I am wondering about is whether or not you think pregnancy is sacred and about whether or not we encourage unwed pregnancies in our society.

Please don't think I am being a judge, because that is not my intention.  Often, a single, pregnant woman signifies the fact that she bravely chose to allow her baby to live instead of ending its life.  But that's not what I'm talking about today.

What made me ask these questions is the nude spread a very pregnant, single celebrity recently did.  The other is a photo of two very young, single women posing at a baby shower.

While I don't believe unwed mothers should be stoned or persecuted, I do wonder if the shame and stigma that used to be associated with bringing children into the world outside of marriage, is missing.  

Does the fear of being embarrassed help to deter us from making poor decisions?   If that is the case, are we glamorizing single mothers with many of the shows that we find on television now and the choices of celebrities?  Are we doing ourselves and our girls a disservice?  What do you think?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

If it Feels Good

While catching up on a drama via DVR a few days ago, I found myself speechless.  I won't say what show I was watching, but I will say I probably won't be watching it for much longer.  One woman, who is currently separated from her husband, was telling her friend about a sexual affair she's involved in with another man.  She is asking for advice about casual sex.

Their exchange goes something like this:

Are you having fun?
Well if you're having fun, and it makes you happy, I wouldn't change a thing.
You're right.

She continues having the affair.  I had to rewind it twice to make sure I heard it correctly.  Wow.  What kind of advice is that?  Basically she gave her carte blanche to do whatever feels good.  I would expect this kind of advice to come from a tween perhaps, but not a grown woman.

I have found myself watching much less TV lately.  I used to enjoy the mindlessness of watching funny shows or compelling dramas or even inspiring reality shows.  The problem I'm having is that everything seems laced with excessive negative drama and/or illicit sex.

The messages are poisonous.  It's no wonder marriages are in trouble.  It's no wonder girls and women are fooled into believing the Real Housewives lives and acting desperately.  Television is sending such powerful messages to us even if we don't realize it.  The media has the ability to chip away at one's values and replace sound thinking with nonsense.

I am not implying that television is evil.  Anything has the ability to be evil.  I am simply suggesting the we carefully choose the things we allow into our homes through our television.

Ask yourself:
1.  Does this show cause me to have impure thoughts?
2.  Does it make me dissatisfied with my real life?
3.  Do I feel guilty after watching it?
4.  Does it compromise my morals?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to rethink your tv choices.  I know I am.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Words We Speak

Yesterday yet another school shooting made national news.  A young man in Chardon, OH opened fire and changed the lives of many families in an instant.  The article I read said that the shooter dressed in a goth style and was teased for his appearance.  It also said that he kept his feelings inside.  Though I do not excuse his actions, I wonder how little emphasis we place on the words we speak to others.

Are we concerned that our hateful words may wound someone irreparably or contribute to such tragic incidences as this?  Do we value our own opinions more than the feelings of those we encounter?  Are we immune to the pain that our tongue can cause?

It is no wonder the Bible has so much to say about controlling our speech.  In James 3:3-10, the tongue is compared to a bridle and a horse and a ship's rudder.  Both are small components that perform the task of determining direction; just as our tongues are small organs that can inflict huge damage.

Sometimes we all have difficulty controlling what we say.  Sometimes hurtful things are said in anger, other times from carelessness.  It is necessary to confess our faults to God and not make excuses.  Contrition can lead to healing and help to prevent tragedies like this one.  Please pray for the families involved affected by this horrible tragedy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Humbled Beyond Words

I am writing this with tears in my eyes.  My heart is full to overflowing.  I am so humbled that I cannot find the words to express it.  I have just spent the last hour discussing brokenness with some encouraging women.  This was the first actual meeting for the Virtual Bible Study.

I admitted before that starting this study was a big leap of faith for me, totally outside of my usual comfort zone.  But after this meeting, I am already looking forward to the next one.  I feel so blessed by each of them and their unique insights.

I am humbled that God placed me there with them tonight.  I pray for each of them.  I pray that they feel even half as blessed as I do right now, because I feel like I could float away.  I am so glad God gave me the strength to trust Him enough to simply obey.  I am anticipating all that He has planned for us.

He promised He would be with us when two or more are gathered (Matt. 18:20), and He definitely kept His promise.  I am so grateful I was there.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Little Crazy

So, I'd like to chat with you like the friends you are.  I have a confession to make.  Sometimes I think I'm a little crazy!  Recently I felt God leading me to start an online Bible Study for women only.  I love studying the Bible and teaching it, so that's not the crazy part.  The thing is that all of the steps were not clearly laid out for me!  He didn't give me many details, but I knew it was His plan.

It's a total leap of faith.  I'm terrified and excited at the same time!  Crazy, right?  Maybe not.

Following God defies all logic sometimes.  Faith is not logical.  It doesn't inherently make sense to follow someone you can't see.  But Hebrews 11:6 says it is necessary to please God to put our faith in Him implicitly.  So maybe I'm not going crazy.  Maybe I'm just growing...

Does faith make you feel a little "crazy" sometimes?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Looking Up

Throughout the last week or two, I've been studying the life of Job.  I expected to be a bit depressed by studying the life of a man who lost everything.  Remarkably, it's been one of the most uplifting times of the last two years.  God is funny that way.  I realized that the moaning and crying I've been doing through these rough patches is probably pretty normal.

I realize that maybe it's okay to ask God why sometimes.  I also realized that there is light at the end of this tunnel and that all suffering has a purpose.  God is shaping and molding me into the woman He wants me to be and preparing me for the next chapter.  Timidly (at times) I'm following Him and stepping out of my comfortable place into the unknown.  But, as Britt Nicole says, what do I have to lose?

At times it has hurt more than I thought I could handle.  I've cried out to Him.  I've yelled at Him.  I've ignored Him.  I've run back to Him.  And guess what?  Through it all, He's put up with me.  He's still there.  He can handle my temper tantrums, and He can handle yours too.  What is God teaching you in your current trial?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

When Everything is Lost

Have you ever been angry with God?  Have you ever blamed Him for your suffering or wondered if He was mad at you?  I have.  I admit it.  Though trials are a part of life, they are never easy to endure.  It is easy to feel abandoned, unloved and frustrated.  I've been learning lessons from a man who was undeserving of suffering but found himself holding the short straw.

Job was a man who lost his wealth and his children.  His body was covered in sores.  His own wife turned on him, and his friends were useless during his troubles.  Though he cried out to God for answers, he did not turn His back on God.  He was honest in his request for explanations.  He was even ready to die rather than continue to suffer.

Few of us have been through trials like Job, but some of us have.  We have endured the loss of a spouse or a child.  We have been assaulted by someone we trusted.  We have been through a painful divorce or faced financial ruin.  No matter what we've been through, God promises to walk with us through it and never leave us. (Deut. 31:6)  Sometimes that promise may be the only encouragement you have in your storm.  God gives us the strength to hold onto it.  Rest in that tonight.  I know I will.