It's possible that I will look back on this one day and chuckle at my own response, for certainly there are much more severe circumstances in this life, but I'm being transparent.
I'm unable to share more about what caused these strange and unexpected emotions, because there are others who would be hurt or angry if I did. Out of love and respect, the details will remain private for now.
Throughout the week, my husband has been a constant source of strength and encouragement. His protective instincts have been overwhelming, but much appreciated. I have prayed and cried and thought all week long.
Now, I am sitting and waiting. I am wondering what is next and how this will all work out for my good. What I need from you is your prayers. It is often hard to trust God is times of uncertainty, but I know He's there. He's proven Himself to me so many times before, and I know He won't fail me now.
If you've been shaken before, how did you respond? What helped you the most?