Do not push away help or shy away from sound advice. God allows things to happen to strengthen our faith and keep us focused on Him. We do not always understand His ways, but they are always right. Faith requires us to give of ourselves in an unnatural way. We cannot believe alone. That's what His Spirit is for.
Trials come to make us stronger. They build endurance as weightlifting builds muscles. Trials are not enjoyable, but we are supposed to view them as joyful. This requires determination and supernatural power that God provides if we call on Him.
Do not rely on your own strength when feeling low. Do not retreat into yourself and away from others who TRULY love you. Allow God to speak to you and heal your hurts.
- It's okay to cry.
- Trials build endurance.
- God will give you what you need to rise above the hurt.
How has God proven His faithfulness to you in times of trouble?