So I was thinkin' about my blog title. Broken rubies. There are several references to rubies in the Bible. Specific women are called more precious than rubies in Proverbs. Sapphires, diamonds, emeralds and rubies are the four precious gems. At least that what I learned in junior high science. Rubies' value varies upon the qualities of the stone. The hardness, the color, the facets.
How different is that to how we as females are valued? We are considered more desirable if we are blond or thin or a certain color or if we have boobs that make Pamela Anderson envious. These judgments affect our self-image and cause us to feel broken inside if we don't meet the criteria.
Thankfully we have a Creator who truly loves us in our rough, unfinished state. He loves us before we have been shaped and without facets and polishing. To Him, we are so precious and beautiful just as He made us. Now, if only we could believe that...
1 comment:
What a beautiful thought! I'm so glad I found your blog.
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