While I do feel that progress has been made, I had a set-back yesterday. I had to have my blood drawn for the third time to check my hcg. That was bad enough. When I arrived at the daycare, our son's teacher asked me how I was feeling. I knew what she meant, so I told her and the other teacher that I had lost the baby. Of course they were sweet and sympathetic, but things like that make it hard for me to move ahead.
I want to cry about everything, even being stuck in traffic. Pray for me. I need to get back to my old self. But there is good news. Today The Biggest Loser comes on! That makes me happy!
Thank you so much for writing about this and just being so willing to share what you're going through. It reminds me to not only pray for you but it helps me to be able to pray specifically and it keeps it fresh on my mind.
And about Biggest Loser. I love that show. I'd love to be on it. I told your Dad I'd love to do the big loser families but then it'd be hard to ask someone to go on it with me. That's calling them fat to their face basically but hey I figure we'd be in it together cause obviously I want to go on. I actually have a few people in mind...but don't know how to approach the topic. Plus I haven't reviewed the requirements to apply.
I appreciate the many prayers that you've prayed for me. They have definitely helped me to move forward.
I also love Biggest Loser. You definitely do not need to do on, and you definitely cannot solicit family members to join you! That's hilarious!
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