Most people agree that she is a beautiful woman, and I am not here to dispute this fact. My question is, what does she gain by sharing her naked body with the entire world? GQ is a men's mag, so we know that she is posing mostly for men. I honestly feel badly for Hollywood women who feel that they must share their bodies with fans in order to claim the spotlight.
I think this proves that women struggle with self-esteem and body image no matter what tax

In my youth, I have been guilty of wearing clothing strictly because I thought would attract male attention. As adults, do we still dress only to garner attention? I understand the motive, but it's very dangerous. Men are so visually stimulated. Do you really want your husband or teenage son bombarded with images of naked women when he stops in to grab milk at the grocery store?
It is bigger than self expression. While I am aware that she is free to do as she pleases, I believe we should consider the consequences of our actions. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. What happens if she is a mom someday, and her son's teacher has her posted on his bedroom wall? I know that sex sells, but it shouldn't. Our bodies are temples, not made to be degraded.
I agree that our bodies are temples not to be degraded, but I'm not sure that all nude photography is degrading to the body. For more than a year, I've had the idea percolating in my heart that I want to do some sexy pinup girl style pictures. I will do it for myself and I will do it for my husband. I have no intention to share those photos with GQ or the world at large. The world at large has not earned the right to see my sacred naked. I keep thinking of the movie Titanic when the white-haired grandma sees the nude sketch of her 17 year old self and says with a twinkle in her eye, "Look at me. Wasn't I a dish?". I have every intent of being an old lady with a twinkle in her eye, and when Delighted Husband and I celebrate our 50th anniversary, we'll have a heartwarming photo album to look through together.
I could not agree with you more. There's is nothing degrading about pin ups for you and your husband. What I question is why such a lovely woman would share herself with the public. Thanks for your comment!
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