Several weeks ago, I was shopping with our children. In the process, I found a designer pajama set for a great price. It is a beautiful, silky cranberry. I was so excited! I know, it's sad how little it takes to make me happy. I had two things in mind: these will be sexy
and comfortable! How often does that happen? I also figured I could wear them on Christmas morning and look presentable for pictures. I showed them to hubby when I got home, and he was definitely happy. One down. When I tried them on Christmas morning, I felt naked! I was freezing! Great. While they are comfortable, they are not warm.

So, I've decided they are more suited as lingerie. I am not really a lingerie kind of girl, usually. While it does make me feel sexy sometimes, it is cold and sometimes uncomfortable. So hubby and I had a very
spirited debate the other day about lingerie as a gift. I think that's a gift for him, not me. While I have quite a collection, courtesy of my bridal shower, it doesn't get much use in our house. Mostly because we're often in a race before the children bust in on us. Partially because it just isn't necessary. All we need is opportunity!
My question is, what do you prefer: lingerie or comfie (not raggedy) jammies? Do you like receiving it as a present? You know, "Happy Mother's Day! I got you this from Fredricks of Hollywood!" Weigh in...
I am a big fan of comfort. I don't know if I should be offended or not, but my husband is more likely to buy me comfortable PJ's than sexy. I don't know how he does it, but he manages to make me feel sexy in the most unsexy flannel PJ's.
I actually want a pair of those adult footie pajamas (you know like the carter's ones our children where?) They're comfortable and cover everything but Sam's not having it! LOL maybe that is going to far with the comfort thing though
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