You get the picture.
On their day of matrimony, the minister told them that "a chord of 3 strands is not easily broken." (Ecc. 4:12) God, husband and wife bound together. Over the years, the third chord was forgotten and the marriage began to unravel.
The movie explores their path and how the trials were tearing them apart.
I thought it was fairly well-done. It made me think. I looked at the influences that were in both the husband and the wife's sphere. The way those people think will greatly affect you if you listen to them often enough. Sometimes friends and even family need to be kept at a distance in order to protect one's marriage.
For those of us who are married, we know how hard marriage can be. Many things can cause rifts. When you add trials together, it can mean disaster. I've often heard marriage called a garden that needs to be tended. Weeded. Watered. Given plenty of sunshine and TLC.
To me, the sunshine is God. Continual prayer. Scripture study. Keeping Him first without compromise. There are many principalities fighting to destroy our marriages, and we cannot combat them in our own strength. When I forget that, there is such a gulf that grows between us.
If you'd like to see a thought provoking movie, this is probably a winner. The movie is PG-13 for some adult language.
Protect and nurture our marriages. Keep God as the third chord so that we are able to resist the forces trying to destroy us. Encourage each other. Support others' marriages.
Bad marriages and divorces make the devil so very happy. Let's make him fume.
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