Rubies are precious stones, dark red in color.
Precious = of great value or high price*
Precious = highly esteemed of cherished*
I would like to think that the deep red color of the ruby represents the color of the blood that Jesus poured out for me and for you.
Each of us is a ruby. We are precious in His sight. We are bought with the high price of Christ's blood, and we are most valuable to Him. He esteems us highly and cherishes us as His own.
If you had a 3carat, flawless ruby, how would you treat it? Would you carelessly toss it around? Would you expose it to thieves? Or would you polish it every day and keep it under lock and key? How much more precious are you? You are so much more valuable to God than a ruby.
Proverbs tells us that a wife with good character is more valuable than rubies. Is also teaches us that wisdom is more precious than rubies. The Bible refers to wisdom as "her". Wisdom is using good judgment. It is uncompromising is its standards. We are all different shapes and sizes. We differ in hue. But we are all precious rubies, nonetheless.
God takes us in our raw, uncut form. He polishes us and shapes us, revealing our true beauty within.

"Wisdom is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 3:15
Do our lives reflect our "ruby" status?
*Definitions from Webster's Dictionary
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