First of all, these kids are 5-6 years of age. Do they even know what sex is? If so, why? So, I began to talk to myself quickly. "Calm down, or she will stop talking. Deep breaths. It's not as bad as it sounds." It was.
I asked her what sex is. She said it means "to show love." I was quiet. I responded, "Sex is something for married people only. It's not the same as love."
What struck me is that, my daughter told me, "It means to show love." How many adult women believe the same thing? We learn very young (too young, apparently), that love and sex and synonymous. While searching for love, we trade sex, and self-esteem suffers in the process.
So I've learned a couple of things from this encounter: Listen to my child, talk to her, pray for her often. If you have children, realize that they are growing up way too fast now, and it's scary. They have many other "teachers" besides us. Let's make our voice the loudest and most influential. Trust God to guide you on what to say and how to protect them. Be a positive example.
Dear God,
I thank you for entrusting me with such a precious daughter. Help me to love her as you love me. Give me the wisdom to raise her to love You first. Help me to build her self-esteem and encourage her to love herself deeply. Help us to nurture an open relationship with free-flowing conversation forever. Protect her from the dangerous outside influences. Help her to grow in grace and wisdom. To always carry herself like a lady, to be strong and smart. Shield her from the lies men tell, and let her find the male love that she needs in the arms of her father...until such a time as he walks her down the aisle. Amen.
Her Mommy
Thanks to Yves for the beautiful pic
"How many adult women believe the same thing?"
Until I knew the perfect love of God I believed the same thing. It was what I saw around me. No one ever talked to me about sex. Your daughter has a great mom!
Praying for all daughters of the King.
You know I can picture Mimi saying a lot of stuff but not that. My goodness I love that little girl. I'd love to have been a fly in that car to have seen your face.
I'm so glad she feels comfortable enough to voice that to you. She's got great role models in you and Tre (not to mention an Aunt and Uncle who won't stop praying for God's protection around her:-)
I appreciate your candor and your encouragement. Thanks also for your prayers.
It was shocking. Thanks for praying for her. Pray that God gives us wisdom.
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