I did a search about control of the tongue. What I found is that the theme of tongue control occurs many, many times in the Bible: more than 80! If it's mentioned so frequently, there must be a reason. Me!
My problem is that I'm not good at sugar coating. When I see stupid, I wish to respond. I've gotten better over the years, but I have such a long way to go. I perhaps need a bridle in my mouth like a horse. This mostly happens at work. There are things that occur that make me scratch my head. If I could turn off my brain, my tough would not be so tempted to wag.
Most of the time, I keep my mouth shut. But when I don't, sometimes weeks of build up come rushing out like a flood! The two things that irk me most are inconsistencies in treatment and lazy people. I feel that things should be fair and people should do their own work. Completely, efficiently and effectively. I do not get paid to work for two.
But, the Bible convicts me yet again. It tells me to work "as unto the Lord". (Col. 3:23) I am not working for man. It also tells me to "speak the truth in love". (Eph. 4:15) At times I stop at "truth" and skip the "in love" part. This may take the form of "discussions", known as gossip. Another thing the Bible discourages. It may be simply wicked thoughts. Either way, my personalized Book stops me at every excuse I manufacture.
So what's my bottom line? Shut-up! Keep quiet! Think happy thoughts. (Phil. 4:8) If you need a little push to control your tongue and thoughts, check out this study from Campus Crusade for Christ International. Pray for me, and I'll pray for you.
pic by papillon
Boy, can I related to that! Shutting up now.
This is really convicting for me!!
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