Preparing for an outdoor party was also a challenge. I looked at the forecast ahead and realized the rain was expected to cease in time for the festivities. So while bemoaning the rains, I began to reminisce about the previous summer. The rains refused to fall. Washing our car was a luxury. Brown grass was "all the rage". The colorful flowers needed so much watering that I felt sorry for them having to be outside!
So with those memories, I realized that God is not only the God of the sunshine. He is the God of the rain. His hand is evident whether the sun shines or the rain falls. We just need to look for it. As people, especially Americans, we're used to focusing on how things inconvenience us and on what we want. I watched on the news as strawberry farmers lost valuable crops because of the torrential downpours. I lost nothing. I actually gained green grass! All seven blades of it!
For my life lesson, the sun represents happiness for me. The times when life is great, and all is going well. The rain reminds me of trouble. Maybe sadness or devastation. But that's wrong. For God is the God of both. During storms, I learn so much. While it often hurts, I come out better, looking more like the Father. Matthew 5:45 tells us that God "sends rain on the just and unjust alike." Rain is not a symbol for hard times, neither is sun proof that all will go well. Remember, you cannot see a rainbow until after the rain.
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