She is Kate Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8. So this got me thinking. Why the shock about this cover model? Then I thought back to when I first received the issue - I had the same question. I never knew that she professed Christianity. I did read the feature, and she said all of the right Christian things, so she checks out, I guess. Maybe not.
According to Matthew 7:15-20, the way we tell a true believer is by the fruit they bear. With this in mind, no person should be surprised to learn that a person is a Christ follower. Celebrity is not an excuse to hide our beliefs. Neither is a job. While we must follow rules about solicitation and proselytizing, we can still boldly represent Christ through our lives.
The question for me is why Christians are so desperate to sell magazines or gain publicity that they are willing to put any random person who says the word Jesus on the cover of a magazine? This is not written in judgment of Mrs. Gosselin. I don't know what she believes. Kate Gosselin is not being singled-out. There have been others on the cover that have made me wonder how or why they were chosen.
However, I would rather see an unknown woman who has constantly shown her love for Christ and others everyday, than an overhyped celebrity who accidentally spoke Christ's name and was catapulted to instant Christian. It is a privilege to be called a follower of Christ, therefore we should use caution when bestowing that title.
This pic is from her blog.
I've been thinking a lot lately about Acts 11:26 "The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch."
They didn't call themselves that, the "outsiders" called them that. I'm not sure if it was meant as a compliment or an insult, but because of they way they conducted themselves, they were so much like Christ they got a nickname.
It's too easy, especially here in the U.S. to call ourselves Christians because we need a category for our religion. Folks think they are Christians because of their heritage, or their location, or the fact they go to church a couple times a year.
As you said, they will know we are Christians by our love (and joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control). God help us to stand out and put our fruit on display.
OK. I'm done rambling. Great post!
Thanks, Karen! I do think we throw the term around loosely in this country. Good to hear from you, as always.
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